Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is about listening prayerfully, paying attention, taking notice, encouraging, guiding, challenging and discerning with the Holy Spirit to assist a person in a deeper awareness of God and His presence within and around them.
A Spiritual Director compassionately holds a person’s most intimate stories, providing a safe place where there’s room to encounter the living God. I see it as “Soul Hospitality.”
Spiritual Direction is about coming along side of a person to help cultivate an intimate relationship with God, to help one in recognizing and hearing from God, and experiencing God for themselves. By asking evocative questions and helping someone to notice and name God’s presence and then respond to the Holy Spirit’s invitations.
Spiritual Direction is not an attempt to control, manipulate or manage what a person says or does. It is a privilege and an honor to walk alongside someone who shares their journey, and this cannot be taken lightly. Everything is offered as a suggestion with freedom and grace.
As a Spiritual Director I listen and watch for their openness to encounter God in their unique situations brought to the session. At times they may bring doubts, questions, frustrations and dryness in their journey with God. One may want to talk about areas of prayer, self-care, self-discipline, struggles, temptations, victories and failures. I may cry over their heartaches with them, rejoice when they respond with courage, but I am in constant prayerful listening. In the time with the directee, I am discerning alongside the Holy Spirit for God’s invitation of where to direct them deeper into intimacy with God and experience His love and hear His voice.
A Spiritual Direction session usually lasts anywhere from
50-60 minutes and costs $40.